I Need Your Help!

I am throwing a wedding shower in August and need your help! The colors are

So... I already have the invitations, monogrammed cupcake toppers... I was thinking about a ribbon topiary, and tissue balls. Anyone have any great ideas? I would love to get them!


  1. YES!! Do a topiary!! And let me know when you find out how to do the tissue balls! I did the Mexican paper flowers all over the house in lieu of regular flowers, but I had wanted to hang tissue balls from all the lights but couldn't figure out how to make them...grr...I know it will be SUPER cute!!!! Dont forget the monogrammed cocktail napkins!!

  2. Ohmygosh I am SURE you'll do such a great job!I havent even thought of wedding showers b/c all my friends are now on to the kiddo showers (and I'm not even married yet.. sheesh! I tell them their kids can be my flower girls/ring bearers someday...haha). You're so creative and have great taste. Love cupcakes, but if for some reason you decide not to do cupcakes, monogrammed petifores are always so fun! :) (I love those darn little cakes.. I love all cakes. Whatever).

    Here's some funness I googled... b/c I've got nothing better going on and wedding showers make me happy. :) http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1025/3168080944_a9a0e3401b.jpg Love how some of the cupcakes are zebra!! And love the table cloth with the zebra table runner thing! Just more ideas. :)
