Boiled or Not?

My family and I love these...
boiling peanuts
I could eat my weight in boiled peanuts!! I hope I crave them so the husband has to get them for me! Ha!

Do y 'all eat boiled peanuts? If you are from the south I know you do...


  1. Love them! When I went to school down south I had tried them, but you can't get them anywhere up north...and I'm too lazy to make my own!

  2. I'm from the South and I hate them! That and the fact that I don't like iced tea I often wondered if I am some sort of mutation!

  3. I loooovve boiled peanuts and I really need to start learning to boil my own.

  4. I've never had them, but OMG!!! they look so good. My mouth is watering right now. Ha!

  5. I have never heard of such a thing as a boiled peanut! I guess if I ever come across them, I better try them!

  6. Yum! Boiled peanuts are my fave!

  7. Never had them...but I'm up north here in MI :)

  8. I have never heard of a boiled peanut and I'm even from the south! How sad is that?! I will have to try them!!!!

  9. Oh my goodness, I'm obsessed, whenever I see them I have to get the largest size available!!

  10. I have never heard of boiling peanuts...interesting. What does it do? I love peanuts!!

  11. I LOVE some boiled peanuts! I love the big ones with juice! I am craving some now, Thanks!
