Question: What does your bed look like when you leave in the morning?


The husband and I make ours daily. Sometimes I might accidentally forget to make it but the husband never does. If I leave it unmade, he will make it up and then get into bed.
So how do you leave yours?
We, or at least I, make the bed. I've trained my husband so that he knows that whoever was in bed last is responsible for making it. This sometimes means that he LAUNCHES out of bed seconds before me so that he doesn't have to do it, but overall he's gotten pretty good :-)
ReplyDeleteOurs is definitely the second picture but the funniest thing is that we actually have the bedspread from the first picture in our bedroom! We're so bad about making it unless there is company.
ReplyDeleteDefinitly unmade! all of the time. unless I have the urge to make it and make it look pretty haha or we are having company over
ReplyDeleteI make it every morning...I think it feels so much better to crawl into a nicely made bed!
ReplyDeleteOne of us makes it every morning...since I'm still nursing, the Mr. usually makes it. That's his morning chore now:) I have a thing against getting back into an unmade bed. My mom always told us that we'd sleep better in a made bed, good work Mom!
ReplyDeleteI definitely don't make my bed every morning!
ReplyDeleteI make our bed every day! Usually it's not the first thing I do in the morning but it gets done at some point...I just feel like it makes the room look cleaner and I like crawling into a made up bed at night :)
ReplyDeleteI used to hate making the bed, but then my roommate in college did it every single day, so I figured I might as well too, now its just a habit. I love climbing into a made bed at night, plus I heard it burns like 30 calories :)
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty good about making it, but the hubs is not. The only time I don't make it is when I'm in a super rush. My mom always yells at me if the bed is not made (in our own home-not hers). She said she just can't stand an unmade bed.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, during the week it's unmade. On the weekends when we're not running out the door, it is made. *sigh* I wish I was better with this!
ReplyDeleteI definitely make it EVERYDAY!!
ReplyDeleteIt depends on how big of a rush I am in!! Hubs leaves way before me (5:30 a.m.) if Blake and I are up and ready to go before we have to leave at 8 I'll make it...if not, oh well :)
ReplyDeleteI love that you are blogging about this! I make the bed everyday, but because it is summer my kids jump in the bed in the morning and it usually doesn't get made until later in the day. When I am out of town forget it. The bed for sure won't be made. If I leave and there is a pile of clean clothes on the bed he will move it to my side rather than put it away!
ReplyDeleteI used to leave my bed in shambles every morning, but the older I get the more I like to get into a freshly made bed everynight! The bed definitely feels better when the bed is made up!
ReplyDeleteI make mine almost everyday! If not, I just pull up the covers- half making it... the thought of sleeping in settled dust or whatever else floats in this city air grosses me out! EW!