Say what?

Some crazy things my first graders have said to me about being preggo:

1. "I heard the baby talking yesterday."- Little creepy...

2. "Are you pregnant because you want to rest your arms on your belly?"

3. "Pregnant people get sick"

4. "Can we babysit?"

5. "Who's going to watch it while you teach us?"


  1. Haha! I love hearing about the crazy things kids say!

  2. HAHA I love the one about resting your arms!

  3. Love it! I was still teaching when I was pregnant with my oldest, one of my students asked "who's the daddy?" Ummm, that would be my husband!! And I taught at a very "white bred" private school, not alot of baby daddies running around

  4. Since I teach eighth grade, this is the question I got last year in my 34th week of pregnancy... "What would happen if your water would break right now?" This was by a boy mind you. I told him that since we were in the computer lab, I hope it didn't happen on any equipment!

  5. hahaha saying they heard the baby talk is pretty redic! little kids are so cute! :) you're lucky you get to hang with them all day!

  6. That is too funny! I love the one about resting your arms on your belly hah! Yes, that is exactly why you got pregnant right?! ;)

  7. Too funny! LOVE #2 & #5! Your children sound adorable! haha
    What did you say back to #1 & #4?!

  8. Too cute! I haven't told my kiddos yet. I was hoping I could wait a bit longer. Although with everyone telling me congratulations at school it's getting harder and harder not to say anything. They keep asking "why is everyone telling you congratulations?"
