35 Weeks!!

and Grayson is already taking over this house...


  1. Slide the spout of the drying rack over to the sink.. then you won't need paper towels! Ours sits to the left of the sink side where we dry hand-washed dishes. It just drips right into the sink.

  2. You are getting so close! I'm 25 weeks and have read your blog along the way. Good luck! Can't wait to see your little Grayson!

  3. He is taking over! Your stomach is so cute!

  4. She will be here before you know it! And I love the picture of the wine glasses above and the bottles below. =)

  5. Not to much longer till she arrives!

  6. That looks a whole lot like our house at the moment. Awaiting our first baby any second now... already 5 days past the due date. RRRR. But at least it's all ready for him when he gets here. ;) You're looking great. Enjoy these last few weeks.

  7. Love it!! Can't wait to "meet" her!

  8. I love the wine/bottle pic. Wine glasses for mommy, bottles for Grayson!

  9. I feel the same way! Funny because we just put the bottles away last weekend and had to find cabinet space and one of the prime cabinets has wine glasses and I was like "absolutely not, those are mommy's bottles!" We moved tupperware to make room instead.

  10. Are you crazy! Grayson is more like a boy name than a girl name. And I should think you use a name like Jessica, Lindsey, Jennifer or Amanda than Grayson.

  11. Ahh I love how close you are getting and how much Baby G is taking over your home! (I don't think I'm ready for that yet - yikes!)
