Getting in Shape...

So I wrote the gym off but I am silently walking back in with my head up, determined to only gain weight in my belly. So here I am,off to work out!
 Don't I look so excited! Ha! I really have been doing good. I have been going at least three times a week. I warm up, do the elliptical for thirty minutes and then lift weights for thirty minutes. Now let's see if I can keep this up. I better because I asked the lady at the front desk when my membership was UNTIL JANUARY OF 2012! Oh my gosh!! I didn't know I signed a two year agreement! Huh...Well I guess that gives me no reason to lose the baby weight come March!


  1. Might as well put that membership to good use! :)

  2. good for you!! thats my plan too!!
    and I think Im doing prettty good so far :)

  3. Good for you! I was so tired the first trimester. My work out consisted of changing my clothes and going to bed:) Thank goodness breast feeding has been the best work out after baby!

  4. Keep it up girl! Your the cutest little work out girl ever!! ha

  5. That's awesome! I need to hit the gym!!!

  6. Thanks for checking out my blog and becoming a follower! I can't wait to check out more about you! My daughter is going into 1st grade in August, I bet you are a fun teacher. Way to go with the working out. I have had my leg in a cast since the end of May so I'd rather be at the gym then deal with this. Happy exercising!

  7. You look great! You'll do fine with the baby weight. I only gained 18lbs. total and ate pretty much whatever I wanted (just in moderation.) As long as you've got the energy, go for it! Exercising is great during pregnancy :)

  8. I left you something on my blog :)

  9. Hi! I found you through Sonja's "For the Love of Stilettos" blog. I am right about where you are in my pregnancy plus one week (but I haven't made a blog announcement yet). I'm due at the end of February. Like you, I'm determined to ONLY gain weight in my belly, lol.

    Congratulations to you!


  10. Good for you! Put that gym membership to use :).

  11. You are too precious in your workout gear! I'm sure you will be all belly and have the cutest baby bump!!
