Babysitter for Hire! Not Really...

Doesn't it look like I just worked out? It makes me feel better if I dress the part because I really seem to take on the role. You should try it...If you look close you can see that I am also wearing a sporty watch to match! Such a trendsetter!

Last night I VOLUNTEERED, yes volunteered to watch our goddaughter while her parents went out. I know...I am so sweet! Ha! That little girl ONLY wants to be held. While feeding her I was watching Sixteen & Pregnant. What a great birth control for teenagers....and 24 year olds! I would freak if I had a baby to look after while I went to the mall to do nothing and just stand around like I did when I was 16... DORK! Oh my Gosh...I am so not ready to be a mom! Maybe in a few years...The only thing I look forward to is being pregnant (I know they say once you are pregnant, you won't want to be), I don't care I love prego people. Back to the point, I just want to be pregnant, dress, and name the kid. Maybe I should just wear one of those fake bellies and get a doll...Is that realistic? Anyways, it was fun watching S but it was nice to be able to give her back. I invited the neighbors over for a play date and look how cute they look!

Doesn't it look like they are having a BLAST!? Almost as much fun as stubbing your toe!

(Goddaughter S is the one screaming)

Look how cute neighbor C's outfit is. If I could fit into it I would rock it out! Precious! What is better than the pink and green combo, monogram, bow and frills? Nothing! That mom sure has great taste! What a lucky child! I wonder where she got it from?? Oh, but wait...The wife bought it! She is the one with great taste. Ha! I will be one of those moms that everyone loves to hate but really is jealous of because not only will my child be beautiful (one can hope) but she will wear the pinkish, most girlish, big bow head, everything monogrammed and be a wonderful child! Don't hate! It's my blog!! We will see where the road takes us in a few years! But take note...I will blog about it!

Have a great weekend!

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