Just My Luck...

Y'all...I don't know what is going on with me lately but I am just having those "off" kinda days. Nothing just seems to go right! Sigh...Life of a 24 year old is stressful!! Not for real...well kinda...don't email me and tell me how bad you have it! I have just had no luck the past few days...This might take awhile so please buckle your seat belt and get ready for the wild ride (my life). Okay, so two days ago I was pulling up the ugly cupboard lining the previous owners put in the house. Hideous- it was like a 1970's bad couch! So I was pulling them up and scrubbing and reorganizing the cabinets...Some of you might know that I am mildly OCD and get stuck on these tangent cleaning and labeling sprees...It's a little much! My therapist says it's okay though-ha!! After I finished I decided to reorganize all the counters and wouldn't you know, while trying to clean I dropped an entire can of rub from Williams-Sonoma! Not only was it expensive but it went everywhere! I think I still smell it on me! So before I could even clean it up, I was on my OCD craze and just couldn't stand that the spices were mixed with seasonings that were mixed with marinades. Who can live like this? This is crazy, but I had to go to The Dollar Tree and get bins to put them in- immediately. Went there, got them, came home and tried them out and what do you know, too long- couldn't shut the cabinets. Okay, so I will just take them back. But since I over multitask I was blabbering to my friend Susan and told her I would call her back since I was back at The Dollar Tree and realized that I had forgotten my purse...What if I had gotten pulled?? OMG- I would so fake cry!! Ha! Please let DT take back these bins. The guy remembered me and traded them out but I totally had 5 bins and 6 tops with me. I had left a bin at home. So I only traded out 5 of them. Arriving back at home I labeled them and they fit, got everything cleaned up and look at the before and afters!! Yay!! The husband couldn't believe we now had this labeled as well!



Much better...

But then, I thought it would be so sweet of me and stop by The Three Dog Bakery, my fav, and get the Furbaby some treats!! The husband said, " Don't waste too much money down there. We don't need to spend money on stuff like that." Was he serious?? Doesn't he know how much I love that place... or maybe the Furbaby...anyways, I just nodded through the phone as though I was listening. I parked downtown, picked out some yummy treats, paid, and left. The end right! No, on my car was a parking ticket! What in the world!! I seriously was in there for no more than 4 minutes! So much for not spending too much money there... Me trying to be nice ended up like this... (Shhh...Don't tell the Husband though!) Ha!

$6.76 (Couldn't you just eat them?)
= $ 13.76 for 6 treats

In our neck of the woods we don't park and put money in the meter! I totally just forgot. Didn't even see the darn meter to be truthful! Am I an idiot or what? Lesson learned... I suppose!!

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