Wishful Wednesday...

Today is Wishful Wednesday over at The Seattle Smith's. The theme for today is to pick a TV Star that you wish you could be. Well....after not much thought because I absolutely love her...I picked...

Yes... Kelly Ripa! I think she is amazing! She is gorgeous (don't you see our resemblances-ha!), super funny, has a great family, and great values. I think she is a total inspiration to always be yourself and not to take life too seriously! Who would you want to be?


  1. I love Kelly Ripa too..shes so pretty! And I love your new layout!

  2. Good choice! She is fabulous and I just saw her in an athletic ad and she's in killer shape. I'd have to go w/ Reese Witherspoon (minus the whole divorced thing). I feel like she has a good head on her shoulders and strong morals and values. Can't wait to see pictures from your fur baby's "21st"! That's too cute!

  3. I LOVE me some Kelly Ripa --- how cute is she, really!!! Love your blog, layout, and you playing in WW! Also glad I added you to my google reader because I didn't know you posted this! Add yourself to MckLinky next time so I don't miss you :)

  4. Oh I think she is the reason Regis is still on the air! Love her:) (and she looks so good in hats)
